Harmony Road Music Courses
Harmony Road Music Courses offer innovative group piano musicianship programs for all ages – tots to adults. Our unique teaching techniques and materials bring students to music “step by step” by utilizing the dynamics of group interaction through our music lesson instructional programs and curriculum. The Harmony Road group teaching method features ear training, movement, solfege singing, keyboard playing, rhythmic activities and creative projects.
Here you’ll find an explanation of the various Harmony Road Courses offered by PIOM. For details on upcoming classes, see our Children’s Group Lessons page.
Music in Me (ages 3–4 1/2)
Music in Me is a dynamic readiness program for young children with emphasis on ear training, solfege singing, movement, keyboard activities, pitch and rhythm awareness. Creativity is stressed. Parent involvement in class and at home.
Harmony Road (ages 4 1/2–5 1/2)
Harmony Road is a music enrichment course that’s carefully constructed for children to learn the basic building blocks of music and have fun. Emphasis is on ear training, solfege singing, keyboard solo and ensemble playing, ensemble and rhythm activities, movement and music creativity. This exceptional course encourages the development of the “inner hearing” which makes transposing, improvisation and composing easily accessible in their musical studies.
Young Musician (ages 6–8)
The Young Musician course introduces beginning students to keyboard performance and note reading in a holistic program, including the organized development of pitch, rhythm, solfege singing, keyboard and movement activities. As students advance they experience composing and lyric writing. Students eventually create their own arrangements. Parent involvement in class and at home.
PLEASE NOTE: Student wishing to participate in this course will need to complete the Young Artist Beginning Group first.
Keyboard Prep (ages 8 and up)
The Keyboard Prep course is designed for children ages 8 and above who are studying music for the first time. This motivating program develops the student’s basic musicianship skills through ear training, solfege singing, keyboard solo and ensemble performance, composing and arranging. A strong program to build self confidence and music skills. Parent involvement encouraged.
PLEASE NOTE: Student wishing to participate in this course will need to complete the Young Artist Beginning Group first.